More Books Please!

Have you ever wanted to start reading but are not quite sure what to read. This podcast is for those who are new to reading and those who are trying to find something new to read.

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Thursday Mar 24, 2022

Hello, the books mentioned in this podcast are, Julia Quinn Bridgerton series "An Offer From a Gentleman".  Also, a thriller by Stacy Willingham titled "A Flicker in the Dark". 
Thanks for listening.
Elisa :)

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022

Can you believe it is 2022?! If you are looking for some new releases for January, here is my list of new books that I think are going to be great.
"The Maid" by Nita Prose - (Mystery)
"Olga Dies Dreaming" by Xochitl Gonzales - (Fiction)
"The Siren of Sussex" by Mimi Mathews - (Historical Romance)
"Daughter of The Moon Goddess" by Sue Lynn Tan - (YA Fantasy)
"The Starless Crown" by James Rollins - (Thriller)
Happy Reading - Elisa

My Year End Book List

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021

Hello Everyone,
Hard to believe it is the end of the year of 2021. Some health issues got in the way, but I did manage to read some great books. Thank you to all who have listed to any of my episodes. So here are the books I read the second half of 2021. Many blessing to everyone, for a safe, happy, filled with prosperity, and most of all, a healthy new year! 
Elisa :)

Saturday May 15, 2021

I have some books that I want to share with you by historian and author Claire Ridgway. She has a website and Youtube channel called The Anne Boleyn Files. She is the author of many books on the subject of the execution of the second wife of Henry VIII. The books that I recommend are The Fall of Anne Boleyn a Countdown, George Boleyn and The Anne Boleyn Collections all with factual information. 

Saturday Feb 27, 2021

I know we have all been there, getting a book we were so excited to read, but unfortunately we end up disappointed. I have two books sadly, that I ended up feeling a bit let down. :(

Saturday Feb 13, 2021

Hello and welcome to episode 2. On today's episode I will discuss two biographies that I have to confess that I actually listened too. Yes, I did not read them and I will tell you why. Also, I have a romance novel for those that like the Bridgerton Novels and It's called Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore. I will also have some Valentine's Day fun facts!

Thursday Jan 28, 2021

Welcome to my first episode of More Books Please! Today I am going to discuss 2 books that I think many of you might enjoy, even if you've never read Historical Fiction. Both books are from the author Michelle Moran. 

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